Well yesterday was honestly a hard day for me on Body by Vi. I don't think it was the product I was just sleepy and being sleepy makes me hungry. I have been a student all my life, either in college or studying for presentations. When I get sleepy I eat to stay awake. That is one of my demons. I also had a church event yesterday. I didn't lose weight. I stayed the same.
Not losing one day isn't bad. I have already lost 3.5 pounds and everyones weight fluctuates. I started walking on day 2. I walked 2 miles. I use this neat ap on my Iphone that tracks my distance. I walked two miles on day 3 yesterday. Everyone tells me you can lose weight on Body by Vi without exercising but exercise is good for your heart, helps your muscles strengthen, and is good for your heart. It also burns calories.
Day 1...... - 0
Day 2..... - 1.5 pounds
Day 3..... - 1.5 pounds
Total ...... - 3 pounds
That is great. She is almost up with me exercises less and has less to lose. She also has a very active job in a doctors office.
If you don't know FLO is my wife's nickname.

I also signed up my third person on Body by Vi. Even if you aren't a distributor if you sign up friends under you on this program you get your product free. Next month I will get my product free. I have signed up three in three days.
My sister in Arkansas is joining our challenge. She like me struggles with weight and now she is having knee replacement surgery in July. She wants to lose weight before the surgery. We are going to start a support group together. I have the best sister in the world and I want to keep her around a long time.
If you want to sign up leave me a message on here.
Email me at joepalmer01@yahoo.com
or sign up here
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