Friday, August 17, 2012

My Trip to the Chinese Buffett

Well it finally happened after two months and three weeks I went to a Chinese Buffet.  One of my rules in doing the Body by Vi challenge is I will not turn down invitations to go out and eat when it related to socializing for work.  I have to make a lifestyle change which includes eating out.

I said in a previous blog that that the "Hong Kong" Chinese Buffet has put on half of my extra weight in the past two years.  So Chinese is one of my weaknesses.

How does Body By Vi work?  You replace two meals a day with a shake. But which meals? It allows you to eat any meal you want.  I normally eat supper, but the plan is flexible.

THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.  This morning I weighed in and no change in my weight.  So what is so great about that?  It means I am not rebounding.  I am learning how to eat anything, anywhere, and not overeat.

WHAT DID I EAT?  I at a generous helping of sushi and some boiled shrimp. I sampled some of my favorites but didn't gorge on them.

YOU CAN DO IT.  I hope this blog encourages you if you have given up on losing weight that you can do it. Being a party of the Body by Vi group has allowed me to meet lots of people that have overcome many obstacles to lose weight. So if you have questions just ask.

Joe and Flo

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