Exercise is work some claim, but work can be exercise. I decided the last couple of days to make my daily exercise work. I got out in the yard and mowed and cleaned up the yard.
It feels great to me to be accomplishing two tasks at the same time. I do this a lot. I am ADD so I tell my wife I can't multi-task but I can double-task. So I am a double-tasker. Here are some other ways I double task.
- Listening to an audio book while cleaning the house.
- Listening to my Bible MP3 while walking.
- Going out on my pontoon boat with someone from church that needs encouragement.
- Exercising with a friend or family member so you can have quality time.
- Spending time praying while I drive or walk.

Using work as exercise is a great way to use time efficiently. So fire that lawn guy and get out there and mow that yard with a push mower. Get out the rake and get those arms moving. Get out the mop and get those floor a little extra TLC. Trim those hedges and give your biceps a work out. Wash and wax your car. "Wax on / Wax off. (Do you remember that line?) Who can forget "Paint the fence" and "Sand the floor."
Day 29
I gained a little today and I don't really know about Flo but I had a great day and getting all that work done has sure made me feel more energetic, productive, and happy. Now I just need to go buy a pressure washer.
See you tomorrow.
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